Friday, March 24, 2006

Aggressive or Submissive

The last few evenings were hectic, observing people from diverse backgrounds, understanding their manners. And, to some extend, I was right. People down south are submissive, tolerant and yes, loyal. The chaps from up north are notoriously aggressive, and flashy. What's intriguing, however is the fact that most South Indians, whom I know were born submissive transformed into aggressive bullies after their stint up North. Even more intriguing is the fact that most of these chaps "pretend" to be what they are, ie, they deliberately carry dual personality. Why? Well, it's a positioning that will fetch favourable results on the professional front. With corporates harping on EQ than IQ, these chaps have an edge. Be it marketing, contact centers, consulting, they'll hold an edge over South Indians. What am I coming to? POsitioning in life is as important as positioning of brands in the market. Your salary could largely depend on that.

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