Friday, July 22, 2005

Milk and water

Met an interesting person who shared with me an anecdote that's worth sharing considering its relevance in today's dog eat dog world. The king in a particular region ordered all inhabitants to pour milk in a giant tank located within the palace. Being lesser mortals, each of them sneered at the idea and thought of dishonouring the order. Their idea was simple - when the chap next to me pours milk, why can't I pour water instead? Who will know the difference? To the utter dismay of everyone, the tank was filled only with water.

Well, atleast one could have made a difference. That's the world. Time to wake up to make a difference.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The basic objective

Sometime back, well long time ago, I had decided not to delve or indulge in conversations about people whom I know or for that matter anybody. Quite surprisingly, the world around me seems to be abuzz with talks of people - only people. It's either Tom, Dick, Harry or more often me. The conscious decision not to ridicule people and the need to express my opinion somewhere directed me to the only channel - the blog. Yippee! Am free here. I'll rip apart everybody here including myself. Hence the blog - tomdickharryandme.

You speak or don't speak - people will be after you. There isn't any such thing in this world as truth, principle or belief. All you can do is lend a ear to the needy. You get some pompous speech, filth, blatant lies and free advice. Well, there isn't much we have to lose in that case, right? And, at the end of it, you make somebody glad.

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