Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Next Second

The last couple of months have been extremely challenging. Friends and relatives would call up to say that we should be careful. "Time seem to be unfavourable," they would say. It all started when my son fractured his leg,trying to jump out of a merry-go-round. After that,it was my turn. A biker decided to twist my right foot by resting his front wheel on it. As I came out of it, my son brought home chickenpox, which he supplied to me. "Bad luck seem to have a tight grip on us," my wife would often say, exhausted, as she juggled between hospital, office, school and managing home. I would respond to her,"it is just a matter of days. We will be at our best soon. Let us focus on the days to come."

On January 22, 2012, life took a drastic turn - all in a fraction of a second. The happiest of us all, my daughter, who was sleeping in the car never woke up.Everyday after the accident, my wife would repeatedly ask, "Why did this happen, why did she leave us?" I didn"t have the courage to tell her,"this too shall pass." That fraction of a second will remain etched in our memory. More importantly, we now know, more than anyone, every second counts, every second needs to be celebrated.And that tomorrow never comes. 

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