Thursday, July 25, 2013

God’s the Social Media

While young, it was common to hear elders saying, ‘remember, whatever you do, God’s constantly observing you.’ It was a tactic primarily adopted when they pre-empt something inappropriate from a youngster. God has become the social media today.

Today, we as individuals are tested in every step we take - an interaction in person or online. With eyes constantly trained on the mobile and keeping pace with the rapid flow of social media updates from friends, relatives and others, many often click intrusively into others personal matters or leave their pages open with little left for others to imagine. We are unquestionable treading into a world where there is no return. Many are known to have lost jobs because of their social media updates. Weird but true.    

Taking a leaf out of the new marketing normal wherein customers are increasingly being seen as individuals and not as segments, we should know that the same transparency that allows us to understand others as an individual; conversely allows others to understand everything about us. Further, this would mean that the dissonance between who we are and what we portray would be known to not just those who are in our network but by others whom we might not even know. Thus, in today’s connected world, the measure of one’s success would be a result of how authentically one balances the dissonance. Marketers attempt to close the gap between the brand promise by building a system to ensure that in every interaction brand and culture are one. The same should apply to individuals.

If you want to be good, be good.

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