Monday, January 18, 2010

When you're in Australia, do as the Australians

It was one of those days when our neighbour was forced to stretch his parking area -
his sedan slightly encroaching upon our area. That was enough for my wife to spent
her energy - repeatedly checking if he corrected himself and warning me how in the
long run this could potentially become a habit. Obviously, her tolerance limit was low. The neighbours weren't any different;my wife was forced to reduce her tolerance. For that matter, such behaviour seems to be common.we increasingly tend to become ourselves and would love to have a system or society that is favourable to our way of thinking or culture.

Cut to Australia where Indians are facing so called racism. The issues seem to
have grabbed media attention all of a sudden. The question is whether the same has
been happening for a long time and been kept away from the media or has racism cropped up all of a sudden? The latter seems to be more probable going by the increasing number of Indians targeting the land of kangaroos as a destiny of promise. The real issue also lies in the burgeoning Indian population in Australia.

As the numbers swell, they excessively try to be themselves-replicating culture, tradition,festivities etc challenging the established and distinct social structure prevalent in the country. It is a case of repeatedly challenging the tolerance levels of natives and provoking them to eject those trying to force fit something new to the system. Indians conveniently forget the age old saying-when you are in Rome, do as the Romans. Like in business, diverse culture should blend efficiently towards building best practices, thus realizing a common goal.

Until and unless Indians seek to blend with the Australian culture, challenges will mount and individuals will face the brunt.

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